Message from Principal

   > "Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.” Albert Einstein <

St. Joseph English medium school, a co-educational institution, began its journey in pursuit of meaningful education. We take pride in our motto, “To knit humanity in love." Unity- connected  with God, others and oneself.

 The School boasts a state of the art building with its inspiring architecture and infrastructure. We offer well-equipped classrooms, library, laboratories, special learning spaces, art room, learning labs, grand walkways and Cultural Hall, The school also has sports facilities including football, basketball, cricket, as well as Scout and guide among others.

 St. Joseph School fosters an atmosphere of trust, love, and respect for each individual, being the cornerstone for sound education. Our commitment at St. Joseph is to provide an intellectually challenging environment, which shall empower students to become innovative thinkers, creative problem solvers, and inspirational learners and leaders; prepared to thrive and excel in an evolving world with ever-changing demands.

 We have a team of inspirational and passionate teachers, who continuously examine our practices keeping abreast of the latest in educational research, to improve the quality of teaching and learning processes, which is quintessential to the school’s success. Teachers curate pupil-centric classrooms where student engagement is the norm, questioning is encouraged and errors are welcome. We work closely with parents to ensure that both, the home and school provide an ideal environment for the holistic growth of the child. Parental involvement in a child’s education process is both, a gift to the child and grace to the school. This partnership is strongly encouraged and highly valued at St. Joseph.

Our efforts are focused not only on academics but also on providing opportunities to each child to explore and understand oneself, the capabilities, and areas of interest. Years spent in school are crucial for the development of good habits, character, and lasting friendships, which form the building blocks for excellence, resilience, and reminiscences. The practical experience of learning enables our children to return home every day with something in hand, something in mind, and something in their hearts. We delight in igniting the spark of creativity, wonderment, and curiosity in our students.

 At St. Joseph School, the pursuit of excellence is a way of life – a habit. Our school is filled with enthusiastic students willing to learn and a community of dynamic and dedicated staff members who are committed to providing quality education through our core concepts of Knowledge, Character, and Health.

As Rabindranath Tagore aptly puts it, “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.

 Please feel welcome to walk into our school at your convenience. I wish you all a wonderful academic year. If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am honored to serve as your Principal.

Sr. Maria Preethi, Principal